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the taste of sea breeze

Our e-book, the taste of sea breeze, was published as a celebration of two years of IN haiku Mumbai. This anthology contains haiku, tanka, senryu, haibun and renku, alongside a form which we think we invented - the renbun (haibun linked to each other on the lines of renku).

Available on, it is edited by Rohini Gupta (who also did the cover), with contributions from Paresh Tiwari, Mahrukh Bulsara, Brijesh Raj, Gautam Nadkarni, Sandra Martyres, Kasturi Jadhav, Rochelle Potkar and yours truly.

Here are a few reviews so far on the Amazon page:

A Lovely Tasting!
(Kashmira Raj on 16 July 2016)

For Haiku lovers, this book packs a punch. There are some pleasant surprises here and I found several 'aha' moments. Some verses have touched the heart bringing to mind visions from my past. The beauty of this is that it sometimes evokes an entire thought process, different from what the writer may have meant to convey, thereby leaving an indelible mark. Not only the ever popular haiku, but the haibun and linked verses have weaved their magic and every experience brings forth strong emotions.

Take time over it, Read it, and read it again. You will still find something lurking, waiting to be explored. A pleasant read letting even non haiku people get a sliver of the world of Haiku. I am sure they will not be disappointed.

I am enjoying reading it and am glad I have bought it.


Not the haiku type? You'll be surprised
(Deepa Menon on 27 July 2016)

The poets capture Mumbai, its beauty and its heartbreaks, evocatively in this book. It takes a deft kind of minimalism to do justice to the Maximum City. Next stop on my haiku appreciation tour: Matsuo Basho.


If you love Haiku, you will love this one.
(Ravi Goel on 16 July 2016)

If you love Haiku, you will love this one.


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